Bust the Coronavirus myths with WHO

March 5 2020 by Roberto GCF
WHO Coronvirus advice

Bust the Coronavirus myths with WHO

No face mask needed at Global Careers virtual fairs – one less thing to worry about when wowing recruiters!  It hasn’t reached pandemic level yet, but CORONAVIRUS is everywhere, well at least in the media…

So what are the dos and don’ts surrounding this virus, how does it affect you, and what precautions do you need to take?

Let’s bust some various myths with the help of the World Heath Organisation (WHO):

  • WHO is assuring you that eating garlic will not prevent or cure infection – but it may well prevent others from invading your personal space, thereby reducing airborne droplets from coming in contact with you!
  • Rubbing sesame oil will not block the virus – however it does make a tasty vinaigrette!
  • Dousing yourself in alcohol or chlorine will not kill viruses which are already in your body.
  • Wiping down surfaces with bleach / chlorine based disinfectants will kill the virus.
  • Hand dryers will not kill the virus: once you have washed your hands thoroughly, you should dry them fully using a dryer or paper towels.
  • Ultraviolet disinfection lamps should not be used to sterilise any part of your body – they may cause skin irritation.
  • If you have a runny nose, use a paper handkerchief and discard it after a single use.
  • Rubbing a saline solution on your nose will not help prevent this respiratory infection – however gargling a simple solution of salt in warm water may help keep it at bay.
  • Thermal scanners will not detect whether you are infected with the virus as the incubation period ranges from 2 to 10 days.  It will however reveal whether you are running a temperature then and there.
  • To date WHO reminds you that there is no evidence that pets spread the virus – normal hygiene measures around pets prevail.
  • Pneumonia vaccines will not protect you against this virus – neither will taking antibiotics (it is not a bacteria).  To date there are no medicines to prevent or treat the virus.  WHO is actively helping to speed up research and development efforts to this effect.
  • You’re quite safe to accept and open Chinese goods and packages sent from China.
  • Do not hesitate to treat yourself to a Chinese meal, either in a restaurant or a takeaway – a little R&R in these troubled times is important!

Finally WHO highly recommends washing your hands regularly (the virus only lives on your hands for up to 10 minutes) with soap and warm/hot water is the recommended directive, whilst singing ‘Happy Birthday’ – in any language – twice over, which amounts to a total time of 30 seconds: short, sharp and pleasant to people around you!

For more information about the Coronavirus watch the WHO video on the subject:
