Do you want to make a difference?

March 13 2015 by Editorial - admin

Do you want to make a difference?

Are there moments in your job where you feel that you could be doing so much more? You know that ultimately you want to make a positive impact with your career, however it can be difficult knowing exactly where to begin.
The Global Careers Fair can help you make that step. With top organisations from the International Public Sector present at our event, the Global Careers Fair gives you a unique opportunity to explore exciting new career avenues, enabling your first step towards making a difference. 
You can have your chance to speak with top international recruiters and HR Professionals in real time, from organisations such as the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office), WMU(World Maritime University) and many, many more. 
It’s completely FREE to attend for candidates. All you need to do is register, and login on the day (24th March 9:00am – 9:00pm GMT). You can also attend the fair remotely from your mobile or tablet device. 
Be quick! Spaces for the Fair are limited are being filled up at a record rate. 

SIgn me up!